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Tony Prince
96 articles

Airfix Sea Vixen in 1/48 scale.

December 21, 2012 · in Aviation · · 5 · 2.9K

Having cut my plactic modelling teeth on , I am delighted to see them coming back strongly with a whole range of superb models. As something different from a diet of F-15s, 16s, 18s, F-4s, Mustangs & Messerschmitts (which I love - truly!) I could not resist this . Building it was pretty much problem free excepy for a fiddly cockpit canopy arch & flaps which needed to be assembled differently. The decals were just about perfect as was the overall fit of parts. Be warned though; this is a big model & you'll need to clear a sizeable amount of shelf space. Would it be too much to hope for Airfix to produce an accurate Sea Fury & Tempest both Mk.V & Mk.II ? Then there's the MB.5... (Yes, I know that's greedy, but if you don't ask, you don't get!).

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2  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Don't know much about Airfix (that B-57 I did a while back has been the only one I've done)...but this build looks pretty durn good to me. As I recall, I didn't have much trouble with that Canberra, either. The belly on this beast is superb.

  2. Excellent model I guess, airfix is no longer "airsucks"

  3. i just published a bunch of photos of Steve Bakkes build over on Britmodeller.

    Its a great kit. Accurate in shape (Roy Sutherland helped with research' Airfix was working from incomplete deHavilland drawings and Roy helped fill in some gaps), Fairly trouble-free build, and the finished model has "Presence" for want of a better word.

    Thanks for posting!


  4. Wow Tony this is very nice the whole thing is awesome im with Craig that belly is outstanding ive got one these in the stash good to hear Airfix is making better quality than the old days

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