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Jack Mugan
64 articles

48th Scale Monogram F-102

September 25, 2013 · in Aviation · · 24 · 1.7K

Just wrapped up one of my club project commitments. Our club is working on a ongoing display of aircraft as they relate to Florida. Our plan is to use the collection to represent our club when asked to display at libraries etc. These good old kits are hard to beat. This one has a bit of a problem with the windscreen fit, which I did not get around to fixing unfortunately.

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5  Awesome

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24 responses

  1. Nice work there. Despite all the fidgety tit problems this kit has, it can turn out well with effort - as you so clearly demonstrate here.

  2. Jack,
    Looks great. These old Monpgram kits still have a life to them. Your work here is the reason why.

  3. Nice work on the F-102, I don't usually do jets of this era, but I have to say that I do like the lines of this plane. I agree though the Monogram kits are actually pretty damn good all in all. You may have to work a little but they usually build up really nice, yours is proof of that!

  4. Good clean build Jack. Even with the "FIT" problems. You think that was a Typo or Freudian slip by Mr. Cleaver?

  5. Not bad for an old fart, Jack...

  6. How'd ya get "FLA. Air Guard"...make 'em outta individual letters from the decal stash?

  7. Super looking build, Jack. Maybe some of your talent will ooze down the peninsula to me.

  8. Looks great, Jack. All the trials and tribulations, were worth it. I know you worked long and hard on it, but I think you accomplished what Monogram had it mind.

  9. Is it me or do these delta wing jets look more futuristic, technologicaly advanced and 'way cooler than todays fighters? Nice job on the model, very clean, presents good appearence. And COOL!

  10. great chris c in your club...he's a fine florida modeller

    • I do not think we have a Chris in the Gator Modelers, and I'm not sure if we have one in the Ocala clubs that I know of...but if he lives in the area I'm sure we'd like to have him as a member.

  11. Really nice, clean finish on this, Jack, and those delta wings do look cool.

  12. Ah, the 50s! What a nice model and a great looking bird. I have this one in the stash and plan to do one of the Guard birds that were painted aluminum, ie Illinois or...? Oh heck, memory why have you forsaken me, lol? Great job Jack!

  13. Jack, your 102 looks even more impressive up close. Thanks for bringing it to the meeting!

    • It never ceases to amaze me how popular the Century Series aircraft are among the modelers and how many were kitted by Monogram. Thanks for your kind remarks.

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