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Bill Koppos
122 articles

Yay! My “Major Award” arrived today….

April 19, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 1.2K

My prize package from the March contest has come in. And a beauty it is. 4 Tamiya 1/48 models is a good thing, but these are even packaged pretty as a boxed set. I opened it very carefully to peruse the contents, now I have the urge to go Luftwaffe. "Bodenplatte" in April! Seriously thanks to Martin and the judges (did you guys get the money yet?) for choosing my P-40K in March, and all you fellow iModelers that liked it. Horrido! BK

PS sorry for the enclosed image. Gad, I'm old. Take my advice and leave it as a thumbnail.

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1  Awesome

1 additional image. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Congrats Bill! That's a mighty nice prize. As for your pic, you aren't old my friend, just "seasoned"! (hey, I'm a 1952 model myself...)

  2. That's a nice package ya got there, Bill...wait - lemme rephrase that. A very nice boxed set...perhaps another winner in the bunch, huh? Well done.

  3. Good on you, Bill. Well deserved.

  4. You'll notice there is no image beside my name. If I put a current image there people would ask me if I remembered these planes with props & camo & if I would put one up from my younger days it would have been taken with a flashbar.
    Congratulations on your well deserved win. You will probably have your 4 kits done before I finish my 1 random draw kit.

  5. Glad to see it has arrived safely! Well deserved. Lookng forward to see more of your builds soon.

  6. Guys, thanks much. Especially you, Abrahamson... 🙂

  7. Now that is one superb and well-deserved Major Award! Infinitely more practical than a lamp with fishnet stockings, Enjoy the builds!

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