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Joe Caputo
154 articles

Academy (Easy kit) 1/144th SU-25 Frogfoot

February 16, 2014 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.2K

The is the Russian equivalent of the USAF A-10. It's not graceful looking, but is pretty much "purpose built". I guess that's what has always attracted me to it. In this particular case, I had little choice but to build it.

In our IPMS club, we have what's known as our $1.00 club. Any members who choose to participate, pay $1.00 per month. The club purchases a dozen models, at sale prices, and sells them back to the members at $1-2 profit to the club. Win-win for everyone. These can be built any way the modeler chooses. This happens 2-3 times a year, depending on the kit and the cost. After a few months, there's a small contest. We try to keep this simple as to not take time away from other projects. This little offering was one of those kits.

I chose an odd scheme, and tried to duplicate it. I traded some of the bomb/rocket load, with a fellow member, in an effort to make it a little different from the rest of the entrants. The Frogfoot was a nice, little kit, and went together without too much difficulty. It was supposed to be for fun, which it was, not too complicated, which it wasn't, inexpensive, $2-3, and something out of the ordinary, which 1/144th scale was. Mission accomplished !

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10 responses

  1. Well Joe for 3$ that is not bad.
    A different colour scheme, you must of had fun painting that.
    A very well done Joe.

    • Thanks, Simon. Did I mention it was a quick build (and it looks like it) I couldn't read the language on the box, but I did read "no glue", which would indicate it was a snap together, to which I reply, "no way". There was no way one could put this together with no glue ! While it only took a few hours of build time, it did put me in the mood for a larger Frogfoot, maybe 1/48th. I have to wonder if the larger version would be as satisfying.

  2. Well done Joe, I couldn't even consider something in this scale - far too small and fiddly, interesting colour scheme.

  3. Neil, That's exactly how I ended up with it ! lol. My wife was supposed to do it. She loves the "little" planes (no others) but said there were too many "small and fiddly" parts for her. I inherited the "project", and went through it as fast as I could, so I could get on with others. Just FYI, she likes the way it turned out...

  4. What's the actual size Joe? I like it & like it that your club encourages building.

  5. Sorry Al, I should have tossed in a coin for reference. From the tip of the tail to the tip of the pitot tube, it's a hair over 4 inches, with a wing span just under 4 inches (3 7/8), about twice the size of my 1/72 version.

    Our club definitely encourages building, and, in a lot cases, building outside your "comfort zone". Sometimes it's just a "new" experience, sometimes it gets us out of a slump, and going again. Allowing the subject to be built anyway the modeler chooses, has shown a lot of creativity in the past, and it's been a lot of fun. The downside (there always is one) is that most of the subjects are aircraft, although we have done others. It's not only a matter or cost, but also must be something that does not take a lot of time away from what the modeler has on his bench. That means a smaller subject usually, and aircraft is in the price range ($2-4) to make a small profit for the club, although a headache for our book keeper.

  6. Definitely 'mission accomplished', Joe! The photographs are really sharp as well. Your club certainly has some good ideas for keeping up peoples' interest and having fun.

  7. Joe,
    Like the others, I would have gone blind doing this but you did a masterful job. Gulliver would be proud.

  8. that looks spot on

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