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Mark Housley
23 articles

Eduard Me 262a-1A

March 10, 2014 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.9K

's Great little 262 this was my second go at a brail scale model, my first wasn't that great i bought one of the re-released Mini Wings kits for a pound it was the
Fw190 started to build it and promptly lost the prop so binned it, next try was this little beauty
a real pleasure to build and paint and weather, one little bonus with the it is the inclusion of the Kettenkrad so the next challenge was to find some figures to dress it up a bit Transport Models of Preston to the rescue they stock a tonne of railway goodies in all scales and as 1/144 is N gauge i bought a set of platform figures the guy standing is pretty much as it came i just trimmed his hat to make it look like a late war german peaked cap and there was a pretty good mechanic, the guy sitting in the Kettenkrad started life as a seated little old lady and with a little judicious carving and whittling here and there another little mechanic appeared.
The base is one of the downloaded scale images from Model scenics reduced down to a size that looked ok to me a little bit of Life Colour oil randomly placed around and a few bits of scenic grass glued to some of the joints in the concrete to look like weeds popping through
the frame is one of the super cheap photo frame from a famous Swedish furniture shop

Anyway Chaps Hope You Like My Little Storm Bird

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5  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. neat little model and scheme but the panel lines are bigger than 1/32...

  2. you not kidding there Bob, i thought about filling them at the time with Mr Surficer but as usual i couldn't really be bothered i just wanted to get paint on, Ah well next time i may do something about it iv got the two seat Night Fighter to do and iv got a pavla cockpit for it including some etch i will have to psych my self up to start that one.
    Cheers Bob

  3. Morning Pal,just having a look with me first coffee of the day,did you know there's TWO 5:26's in a day ? anyhow that's a great little build but way too small for my failing eyesight and clumsy fingers,Horsa is on the production line.
    Cheers N.

  4. You seem to have mastered the art of small-scale craftsmanship, sir...all have been stunningly accurate and very well finished. The best thing is, unlike many of us, you'll have no trouble (I would think), finding suitable places to exhibit a plethora of your fine examples.
    I, on the other hand, have enough trouble with 72nd scale stuff and have done only one 1/144th scale build - an F-4 phantom (on a whim). Nice work.

  5. Amazing Mark! Great diorama.

  6. Mark, Great looking 262, but really no detailed interior shots! Yeah, I can't see well enough to even think about building in 1/144th scale! I like the model sitting on the Union Jack- good humor there.

  7. So small and so beautiful. Paint work is outstanding.

  8. Cheers Fellers, Erich I promise to put a cockpit in the next one just for you mate

    Thanks All

  9. Nice Mark, it is only when you see it with a pot of paint that you can see the size of it.
    Well done Mark.

  10. Mark,
    I compliment you on this munchkin masterpiece. I would probably swat this thing as if it were a large insect. The 262 is small then you went and put in the kettenkrad which is even smaller. This is why the upcoming scale is 1/32 because of old eyes. Very good.

  11. Like your sense of humour, Mark, I think the picture frame probably cost more than the model!

  12. Nice clean tiny build.

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