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Tom Cleaver
930 articles

Today in history: 21 April

April 21, 2014 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.4K

Today in history: 21 April is the 96th anniversary of the death in action of Baron Manfred von Richtofen.

Thought I'd take a moment to refer you down memory lane to my post and model of his Dr.I, which you can find here (some of you newer members may not have accessed our iModeler archives):

You may also be interested in my longer article on the subject of who killed Manfred von Richtofen (it wasn't Roy Brown), which you can find at Modeling Madness:

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

5 responses

  1. So what does one say?
    Happy Death Day, Baron?
    Yes, I walked down memory lane.
    Thanks, Tom, for your usual stellar work

  2. good job :
    I lived near bertangles but ithere learnt is little that the red baron had died near buries it and to 1925...

  3. Linking to the airframe rather than to a death event, Encore re-released the 1/32 Roden kit of the Dreidecker about five years ago, upgraded with some etch and a little resin, together with a finely detailed figure of Voss. It was finished in the 'streaked' camo. The kit is hard to find now.

  4. Tom,
    Great model and a great story.

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