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neil foster
92 articles

Please don't ride the bomb !

July 18, 2014 · in Uncategorized · 25 · 1.8K

Just a bit of fun using up some of the left over bits from my B29 build ,sort of inspired by the movie Dr Strangelove,not much more to say...
Hope you like it ,N.

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6  Awesome

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25 responses

  1. Nice Neil mate, great parody.

  2. Cheers Simes, Hey if you can make someone smile every day it's not been a bad day I say, have a nice weekend the pair of you.
    Your pal int norf,N.

  3. Neil, great use of your spare parts, however I think you need to check the purity of your "Precious Bodily Fluids". ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I think it's the purity of the amber liquid you need to check, Neil, or, maybe the volume?!

  5. Ohhhhhhhhh craaaaaaaaap! There was an airplane up here a second ago...

  6. You know there IS a resin kit of Major Bong ridin' that bomb and wavin' his cowboy hat. I was tempted to get one, but that meant I'd have to hand-paint it. ๐Ÿ™

  7. The hottest ride you can have, that made me smile, thanks. And it is good
    to see these guys from the Monogram boxes again.


  8. "1 pack of Wrigley spearmint chewing gum, 1 bible, 1 pack of prophylactics, and 1 map of the Moscow subway system. I reckon we're ready"

    -Maj. Kong (Slim Pickens)

  9. YES! it's really a good idea and excellent building !

  10. gentlemen you can't fight in the war room
    you'll have to answer to the coca cola company

  11. hey I know that guy!

  12. Neil,
    I absolutely love it. I got quite a laugh out of it.

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