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Korolev Vlad
48 articles

SPAD XIII 1/72 Eduard

July 1, 2014 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.5K


My new job. Elegant French fighter.
In my plans for another three or four models of the S-13.

Happy viewing! Sincerely, Vlad.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Great work yet again Vlad.
    Nice pics as well.
    Well one sir.

  2. Another stunner Vlad. Waiting for he others.

  3. Thank you, friends!

    Best regards, Vlad.

  4. Absolutely stunning Spad mate - love it!

  5. Very impressive! What are you planning to do with your full escadrille?

  6. Yet more exemplary craftsmanship in a fine series of photo's. Outstanding!

  7. Thank you! 🙂

    Best regards, Vlad.

  8. Great work Vlad - that's quite the assembly line you have going. I'm always impressed with this kind of quality in 1/72nd! Very nice.

  9. Beautiful, Vlad, I really enjoyed looking at your pictures and admiring your craftmanship.

  10. Beautiful work , very well done, the "rigging" is extra fine, this and the
    realistic paint work makes this little bird come out great.
    Can t wait to see the others, i guess the Eduard kit is good ?


  11. Very nice result for this old Eduard kit. I have done the same plane a year or more back and I know that it have its many challenges, but you definately did a excellent job!

  12. Thank you, friends!

    This summer, took a break from work, so I have a lot of time for hobbies.
    Yes, a kit of Edward I liked even more than Dr.I from him.

    Best regards, Vlad.

  13. i think elegant pretty well sums it up

  14. Brilliant rigging work in that scale! What did you use?

  15. Thank you!

    Rigging wires of nylon of bandeau. A transverse filament. They elastic.

    Best regards, Vlad.

  16. Vlad,
    Outstanding. What you do in 1/72 is pure genius. I enjoy looking at all of your work and my sincere compliments on your skills.

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