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Bill Koppos
122 articles

LaGG-ing behind-the theme lurches on….LTD version..

September 30, 2014 · in Aviation · · 14 · 1.7K

Before ICM there was the only ballgame in town, Model's limited-run LaGG. At least it is actually 1/48, I have heard the ICM is a tad underscale. The size difference is noticeable. As mentioned, I reaLLy likE LaGGs so I tried my best with this Sow's ear. This model was based on a picture in an Osprey book of a well ridden ground-attack workhorse armed with RS-82 rockets, skis, and a very leaky Klimov engine. (Must have been a real speed demon in this condition, but the Messaschmitts probably weren't flying in those conditions anyway). The skis and rockets/rails were stolen from an Accurate Miniatures Yak-1 kit. I made the pipe-type exhausts just because they look better, this kit being another mismosh of types. This was also the first time I tried acrylic over enamel, removing chunks of white with Windex to create a beat-up winter finish. Also noticeable is the vacu-form canopy yellowing away. (This is an old build). Also in said Osprey picture was a space heater, so's I made up one of those too, to keep the Klimov warm. Go get 'em, Comrade.

C'mon, lets see all those LaGGs. I suppose La-5's and 7's are OK, being offspring and all. 🙂

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14 responses

  1. I am liking this Bill! great job. I really like the way you did the front sprung cables on the skis. Really nice. Did you get the heater from Grainger? I think that design hasn't changed in as many years. I pity the fool who grabbed the gear up lever!
    Oh and I think your paint job came out great.
    California Steve

    • Yeah those heaters are pretty basic, it looks similar to one I have at the job. That sucka blasts out some radiation for sure. It looks like it might date from WW2, not sure.

  2. Nice-lookin' build, Bill...great pics, too!

  3. Good job here, Bill. Weathering very convincing without being overdone.

  4. Nice LaGG Bill, so we doing all LaGGs ? Good job on the winter camo !

  5. A very outstanding rendition of a weather beaten LaGG. Superb Bill.

  6. Another very good looking build, Bill, excellent!

  7. Thanks guys glad you like

  8. Nice I like these ski equipped aircraft. I've got a Ju-52 & a Gladiator with the options of skis.

  9. said on October 1, 2014

    Good job on both your Laggs. For me, the skis wins-out by thickness of a paint chip.

  10. A nice couple of Laggs there Bill.
    A forgotten plane from WW2.
    Thanks for posting.

  11. Great finish and weathering, very well done. You did a job on that LTD kit I liked the way you integrated the Accurate Miniature parts into your build, dresses it up nicely.

    • Thanks Rich. You know the LTD kits were not that bad, and you can find them at shows for 5 bucks. My kid built their PZL 11 and it came out well. The Boomerang looks good in the box too, one o' these days i'll slap it together.

  12. Bill,
    You have done another little Russian masterpiece.

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