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California Steve
62 articles

Scout car. Looks like things were getting a little hot at the front!

March 8, 2015 · in Uncategorized · 22 · 1.4K

And maybe it is time to find better cover. I am goofing with the new series of backgrounds I picked up today at a gigantic collectors event in Orange County CA.. This is one of them.
I just had to have the one with the Stukas diving in.
Hope you enjoy.
California Steve

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Ya know...your name popped (pooped?) 🙂 into my head as soon as I saw the "header". I somehow KNEW that was your post. Nice work.

  2. Thanks Craig, I went back and added the German scout car down the road.
    California Steve

    • Oh yeah...btw, where do you display all those terrific dioramas?

      • I am lucky enough to have a good size man cave. And also I have made many of these for other modelers. My brother in law has about six. Some I haven't posted here. When I finish his latest, we have planed to do a proper series photo shoot of all them. With a proper camera. I will post that at a latter date.
        California Steve

  3. Nice dio, Steve. Looks like you take as much care with Photoshop as with the models, which attention to detail pays off.

  4. is your last name spielberg...neat project

  5. Nicely done Steve.
    You have got the knack of these diorama`s.

  6. Amazing. The right backdrop sets the scene! Well done as usual Steve!

  7. Steve, is it just me, or is your scout car driver wearing a cheesehead? 🙂

    • Why yes! Well no. They padded the MG railing to keep them from banging their heads. A army of cheese heads? Where have I seen that before? That cracked me up Jaime.
      California Steve

  8. Stukas rule! Best terror weapon ever. But aren't those Krauts in the Citroen a bit close to the freindly fire? And I guess the scout car driver bailed?

    • I couldn't pass up the background with the Stukas. And as for close. I would guess someone forgot to unfold the sector map all the way.
      As for the driver he grabbed some paper and said he will be right back. Haa Haa!.
      Strange things happen in battle.
      I hope you like.
      California Steve

  9. Amazing stuff, Steve. Love the backdrops. Sure adds to the models. Who makes the backdrops?
    Them aufklarer are really pushing it, in their quest for intel. I'd want an 8 rad, myself.

    • Thanks Benard. The backdrops were made by a private party and sold only at these shows. They sure add a lot. As for the 8.. Someone didn't unfold the map all the way before calling in the strike. That narrowed things up a bit. Ok I'm making it up, but it sure is fun. Thanks for the nice words.
      California Steve

  10. Hi-Ho Steve-a-ree-no! If you remember that line it will show your age and you probably watched too much TV. Great work on both counts, the background nails it!

  11. Its hard to write replies, while seeking for shelter under the computer desk !
    Great build and well made. Cool stuff, Steve !

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