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Michael Booth
33 articles

Fujimi 1/48 Aichi D3A1 ‘Val’

August 9, 2015 · in Aviation · · 21 · 4.1K

Built this ages ago but haven't managed to upload it - sorry guys!

Although an old kit and picked up for a bargain at £5! As well as a few touch ups in the cockpit, it soon came out a nice kit 🙂

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Nice ! I like the figures.

  2. Good job...the video's a nice touch. 🙂

  3. Looks like a fair-sized model, Mike; nice work.

  4. Good job, I like the weathering a lot. I'm working now on A6M2 (the same Japanese grey) and I'm going through some hardship trying to weather it, but you did it great.

    • Thanks Lukasz. The weathering was Florymodels pro wash. If you want some advice I use XF-12 straight out of the bottle for the IJN Grey on aircraft. Like to see that A6M done, what kit is it? Love to get Tamiya's 1/32 A6M2 at Telford! 🙂

      • It's Tamiya kit but in 1/72. I also used XF-12 straight from the bottle (I think this colour is perfect), but now experimenting with some chipping and washes. I'll post the pics as soon as I finish the Zero but I also decided to make a base like a small piece of Akagi carrier deck so it's taking a bit longer than I expected. Thanks.

  5. Mike, great work. Fujimi also had an early Zero, as well. Both are nice, inexpensive(?) alternatives to Hasegawas more recent variations.
    Whose lovely fiddle music?
    Nice figure work, as well.

    • Thanks Bernard. I defiantly need to get a hasegawa kit! I've got a Hasegawa 1/450 Akagi in progress I might upload a few WIPs soon. 🙂
      The music was by violinist Lindsey Stirling and the song was "Senbonzakura" a famous and popular Japanese song. (English translate the title "One Thousand Cherryblossems" )

  6. I like this very much, Michael. I've stated previously on this forum that I'm a fan of Japanese aircraft, and this offering has subtle finishes and clean lines. I can't see the figures too well, and a couple of photos are a little dark to pick up detail, but your 'Headline' photo is a treat.

    • Thanks Rob. I admit the photos where a bit off, because I didn't use the other camera which has more detail. The paint work was done with Tamiya XF-12 and the weathering was simply Florymodels Pro wash 🙂

  7. Very nice! I like the weathering/finishing work.

  8. Nice work Mike, like the weathering and figures, cool.

  9. Excellent presentation Mike, nice carryover into the Japanese aircraft theme. I have this kit in a different boxing, may or may not be the same variant, may have to bring it down and check it. Otherwise a nice build, so I was definitely interested in your approach. Now I have an idea what to look forward too. When it's time to build it. Thanks for sharing your unique style. I loved it.
    Fly Navy

  10. Nice clean build.

  11. Super looking Val. One of the coolest Japanese aircraft. Great job.

  12. Really a nice build i have the airfix version in 1/72 screwed up the wing joint don't know if i can save it might become corsair fodder on a diorama. Again nice build and weathering

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