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Ralph Clements
43 articles

Corsair –

September 26, 2015 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2.4K

Here is my rendition of the very popular Tamiya 1/48 Corsair "Bird Cage" -1 with the supplied kits decals of VMF-213, which I find plenty interesting.

As many of you probably know, judging by how many of these can be found on iModeler and elsewhere, this is a very nice kit that goes together quite well.

I have had it in my 'future work' pile for a while, holding off on it as I worked through other kits. Being a WW2 airplane enthusiast, I guess I have been saving the best for last as Corsairs are, well...just so...Awesome...If I was an airplane, I'd be a Corsair...

I followed the kit instructions, us "Flat Silver Fox" (Valspar hardware store paint) spray paint for the top and Testors "Light Aircraft Gray" spray can for the bottom; used some gray and black acrylic washes and Tamiya weathering powders to give it some age and use.

Also, tried to get a little 'atmosphere' and 'sense of place' in my photos of this -

Now that summer spray paint season is winding down, I will be forging ahead into new realms - models with rudders under them submerged rather than on top in the breeze - so it might be a loooong time before I have anything to show here again!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Very nicely done, Ralph...that's a beauty!

  2. Always good to see a nice Corsair. Good work Ralph.

  3. Absolutely magnificent! I like the weathering on this well used machine! Well done!

  4. Nice build!

    No "salamon color" u/C bays?


    • It's been pretty conclusively demonstrated that the wheel wells on F4U-1s that had Salmon primer were then painted either zinc chromate or underside color.

      • I'm glad someone knows what this is about. If there is any complaint I have about Tamiya kits, it is that the painting instructions are overly complex and I could sure get something the wrong color.

  5. Nice work Ralph, she looks great.
    Good luck on your future build(s).

  6. That's a really nice job Ralph. May have to open the one I have and build one.

  7. Ralph, good looking birdcage! Can't go wrong with Tamiya, your paint job finishes it off beautifully.
    I'm waiting to see how your floaty thing(s) turn out.

  8. You did that with rattlecans? Amazing!

    Nice weathering to the finish.

  9. Thanks for the nice compliments folks!

    I tried a bit of the "salt weathering" trick on this too so actually 3 rattle can colors were used, Testors silver is underneath.

  10. Terrific effect with the spray cans and salt, Ralph. I know these Tamiya kits are considered to be the best, but it takes real skill to achieve such a convincing finish like this.

  11. Very nice! Lovely finish and weathering, and just an overall great-looking Corsair! I'm working on a pair of them now - nothing like a little inspiration to get them across the finish line!

  12. nice detail on the finish

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