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Building Airfix 1:72 Fokker EII (late) Eindecker

February 4, 2016 · in News · · 7 · 2.3K

Here's a rather charming little video promoting the new-tool 1:72 Fokker EII (late) Eindecker; produced by Tom Grigat

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3  Awesome

7 responses

  1. Skillfully accomplished and presented, I must say - the other videos offered at the end of the clip are equally interesting. Thanks for posting, Martin.

  2. Great vid Martin.
    That it only has one sprue/runner.

  3. This has attracted my attention!
    one have to buy for my collection to

  4. Martin, one day I'm going to learn to make videos like that.

  5. Impressive ! (to say the least)

  6. Hey, how come my parts dont come round and jump on like that? Very cool effects and some nice 1/72 modeling too.

  7. one of the best and certainly most interesting presentations that I have watched in a very long time.

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