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Casey Gray
6 articles

Finished Bandai 1/144 Millennium Falcon

April 20, 2018 · in Sci-fi · · 4 · 2.9K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Falcon Lighting Test
  2. Finished Bandai 1/144 Millennium Falcon

Sometimes you have those builds that get out of hand, this was one of those. This particular build started out as a "paint mule" for my upcoming build of 's 72nd scale Falcon that came out last fall.

Things quickly took a turn when my wife suggested the model would look even better with the engines lit. I jumped on amazon and placed an order for some led bulbs, a wireless led controller and 1000ft of fiber optic stand for good measure.

My initial idea was to fit all of these items along with a 9v battery in the "saucer" section of the miniscule Falcon. Stuffing this bird turned out to be more of challenge than I was up to so the idea of a base to hold the batteries and controller was born.

The base is reminiscent of the crash landing Han made on Starkiller Base in The Force Awakens". It is constructed of styrofoam, paper mache, and rocks cast from plaster all dusted up in Woodland Scenics' snow.

As for the Falcon itself, the paint is mix of Tamiya and Vallejo colors. Chipping and weathering were accomplished with a mix of oil paints and weathering products from several manufacturers.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, what started as quick build turned into the centerpiece of my collection. I also learned a lot about what to do and more importantly what not to do that should make my upcoming bigger Falcon something really special

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Looks like a well used space hauler...just how big/small IS it in that scale?

  2. Amazing detail! great job.

  3. A real winner Casey! Love all the weathering, and giving it such an "organic" base really sets it off in the Sci-Fi department.

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