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Robert Royes
257 articles

Random blast from the past

May 30, 2018 · in Photo Collections · · 12 · 1.9K

About finished with two builds, got to get them in the photo booth, meanwhile photos of my yout. First four, in and around Nimitz 1977, #5- Me and a , Marseilles Fr.1978, #6- berthing, 03 level, Saratoga 1976

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6  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Thanks for sharing these, Robert!

  2. Always fun to look at "old" photo albums (especially someone else's)... 🙂

  3. Ok...A: I have a picture somewhere of me with the same tank 11 years later, and B: I was in E-2s, not the sun kings though! Very cool!

  4. That's a cool piece of noseart... but who had a Sherman in the backyard? 🙂

  5. Those are really nice photos, Robert - made me smile for a while. The day I'm having, that's no mean feat.

  6. Isn't that tank right by the river?

    Interesting photos, Robert.

  7. Great photos Robert. That nose art is fantastic!

  8. I enjoyed looking at these, Robert.

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