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Charles King
124 articles

Business as usual – ‘After the war’

July 3, 2018 · in Diorama · · 20 · 2.2K

The short story for this ; is these two bike repair owners, are trying their luck at re-opening their place of business, after the take down of the Libyan leader.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Wow, so much great detail and such a realistic result. The work here is outstanding!

  2. Your talent(s) really shine through on this, Charles...stunning work indeed.

  3. Absolutely gorgeous, Charles! You and your work are truly inspirational.


  4. Charles, This is really fun to look at, and the more I look the more things I see. Very realistic /well done !

  5. Superb work, and very realistic nice details. Just the load on the truck seems too clean in comparison with the rest.

  6. Great concept, and modelled to a high standard.

  7. Charles, you have the best, most unique and challenging subject matter. A++ for creativity always. Fabulous job. Great details in every way.

    • Thanks for sharing your view Paul. I do what I can, using what I am capable of achieving with the items I have on hand. Never perfect, just doable.

  8. Thank you Rob.

  9. Admiring your awesome work, I sit here applauding your remarkable high level of skill and patience. WONDER...ful.

  10. Excellent! The "backstory" just lends a new level of realism to a great diorama. Details are magnificent as always.

  11. Amazing work yet again mate! The attention to detail is inspiring. It really tells a story!

  12. Thanks a million Richard Mcstay.

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