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Lawrence Wells
6 articles

Joker WIP

July 16, 2018 · in Figures · · 5 · 1.8K

Custom action fig, model, statue - however what you may want to classify. I am making this 1:6 my own. Found this guy on clearance, he was screaming to customized. He needed a bit of work to become more dynamic. Solid, tight purple clothes won't really cut it so let's add some new tails and motion to his jacket and some wrinkles about him. Gotta freeze the joints, used Gorilla glue after marking him up. We'll build him a flower at the end, scrape away the solid one. Some chopping and grinding were required followed up with building with Aves and foil. Next - I'll provide the recipe to coat tails.


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5 responses

  1. Be interesting to see it finished!

  2. Wasn't ever much of a "figure" modeler, but this one may prove interesting. LOL

    • I love modeling everything - no one genre can satisfy, so I try incorporate skills used from other type builds. I do set design too - it all comes into play! I drive contest administrators nuts for being unconventional.
      OMG - is this a result of my personalty disorde(s)r or a causality?
      [Note to self: discuss with shrink.]

  3. Very interesting, Lawrence. I've never seen the figures before but your work will make them worthy of dis-play rather than just play.

  4. love the subject and Pengie too...wack-wack

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