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F4u 1/48 Hobby Boss

October 17, 2018 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.8K

A project that took me 2 years to do (mostly do to laziness and not feeling like doing models for a while) but even with the amount of time it took to make, I am glad the way it came out.

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4  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Nice job...lookin' forward to that Skyraider, too - 🙂

  2. Great stuff, see your next build in 2020?

    Glad you finished her and hope we see more of your posts (butcher bird?) soon.


    • Nah more like 2100, but no planing on working on it very soon, and yes the fw is on the list. I have all the paint for it, so very soon as well.

  3. Well done, Br1anwar!
    (Your parents should re-evaluate their son-naming skills! LoL! OH - it's just an internet name. Never mind ... )

    Seriously, your Corsair looks great!

  4. Jeff, I think that’s a Welsh name...

  5. ...or a Led Zeppelin song title...

    • Well sorry to disappoint you but its just the name Brian with half of warrior next to it, come from when i created my first game character, i just used my name with whatever class i was playing, so Brianwar and than i added a 1 at one point so Br1anwar

  6. Still Celtic or a Led Zeppelin song to me...

  7. Nice. The Hobby Boss Corsairs aren't too bad

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