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Djordje Colovic
58 articles

Revell 1/144 U-Boot Typ VIIc U 318

February 5, 2019 · in Ships · · 12 · 3.6K

As a great fan of WWII I have ventured into many subjects of land and air war, but I wasn't particularly interested in marine warfare, I thought (wrongly) that heroic tales wasn't written apart from brave infantrymen, airmen, armor... but, many many years ago I watched fantastic movie Das Boot (yes, movie, not a series 🙂 ) and I was amazed, chilly feeling, almost like a A class survival horror! Years gone and I heard that the series were filming last year. I saw trailer and I decided to do the very first Kriegsmarine stuff. I must say that I've never before done anything connected with marine scale models, this is my very first try.

I've made a stand that I won't overweather model as I can do it with panzers, so I took 's Typ VIIc/41 and started assembly. My second argument for not doing heavy weathering was that this Uboot was sunk during operation Deadlight in 1945. and didn't see much of the fight so it couldn't be damaged badly 🙂 I had some fit troubles, but nothing which cannot be repaired. After OOB assembly I made wire and details from scratch. I've been searching for crew for maybe a month online and finally I've found Munich kits manufacturer with their's 1/144 resin crew of 10 Kriegsmarine, 5 marines and 4 officers. For that scale figures are very good, minor flash, but excellent details compared with scale. So, figures came and I've literlly lost my eyes painting them, they are so little and fragile...

I'v painted whole model with acrylics and weathered it with AK effects and Abteilung oil paints, unfortunately my camera flash was too strong and gave the shine to model itself...

Finally, I've wathed and Uboot series... well, not recommend it 🙂

I hope someday I'll do some more marine stuff, Biber submarine is on it's way from Special Hobby 🙂

but, I doubt I'll do some more 1/144 scale figures again 🙂

I'll attach some pictures which were taken outside so I hope they would be, maybe, better than pics taken inside 🙂

Cheers and happy modelling 🙂

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12  Awesome

17 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. You must have the eyes of a hawk to be able to paint those figures with such detail. Very nice work (especially in that scale).

  2. Well done, Djordje!

  3. Fantastic model, the way you tell us the story about your work is truly inspiring.
    Cant wait to see next one!

  4. That looks amazing. The figures were the first thing that caught my eye - the detail on the! I paint pilots in 1/72 and don't get as good a detail as you did.

    • Thank You Greg! Figures are reeeeeally small, but details on them are decent for that scale. I've been googling for month to find some decent figures, without them sub would be, for me, too plain and 'naked' so I decided to give the best out of me to paint them 🙂

  5. Great sub, Djordje! Those crewmen look outstanding!

  6. What an amazing piece of work.

  7. Those crewmen are amazing. The submarine is equally good.

  8. Excellent job painting & weathering the sub, the teeny tiny figures turned out amazing.

  9. Splendid work. Just enough weathering

  10. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Very nice work Djordje . Such a small scale, yet you managed too add so many features to it.

  11. Nice job.

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