Hasegawa Me-163 Komet – 1/32 scale

July 27, 2019 · in Aviation · · 12 · 4.2K

In my collection of built models as well as in my kit stack, I have few items from German aviation. But that's not because I don't like it, but because I usually have difficulty to paint german schemes. I decided to built this ME-163 (very easy to paint!), in order to attend a GB (Group Build), so this plane is one of the simbols of our local club.

The kit is the Hasegawa ME-163 Komet, very old but still a good model. Despite the scale, the kit is poor in detail, but very faithful to the original, allowing numerous improvings, depending on the willing of the modeler, but I built it on the old stlyle, out-of-the-box.

I followed the standard system, with Tamiya putty and primer, and paint with nitrocellulose base inks. The brackets are plasticard scratch, and the base is Styrofoam.

The research source was basically IPMS-USA, Meng 1/32 ME-163 Komet instruction sheet, various Internet sites, and consult to a friend who is specialized in German subjects.

Finally, a model with very simple assembly, but very showy due to the color scheme. I enjoyed having it in my collection, and I intend to built other German models as long as they have simple paint schemes.

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13  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Great finish. I like the extra details you added. It's also nice to see the original box art. Very well done Roberto.

  2. Turned out quite nicely, my friend...I like it.

  3. Excellent work and nicely displayed!

  4. I really like this build. It looks fantastic right out of the box... Well done.

  5. Beautiful work! Love the presentation!

  6. Lovely work! Great-looking scheme for the 163.

  7. Ok, Greg. Thank you very much for your kindness.

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