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Justin Bronk
37 articles

Josef Priller’s Bf 109E-3 in 1/48

August 26, 2019 · in Aviation · · 16 · 4.5K

My attempt at the very unusual field resprayed scheme worn by JG.51's Josef Priller's Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 during the Battle of Britain. This one is a nightmare to do freehand but is very satisfying in the end.

Build video here:

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11  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Sharp looking work Justin!

  2. It turned out beautifully, Justin...nice job !

  3. Using your airbrush freehand is one of the best things about that tool, it enables our creativity to flow, sometimes madly. The 02 overpaint of Priller’s Gelb 1 was made by a mechanic that shared this idea 🙂
    Your 109 is expertly painted, though I disagree a bit with Eduards profiles for the camouflage. The only thing that your model has and the original plane seems to lack is the armoured headrest (at least judging from the 2 original photos you got here). I like it a lot!

    • Damn! You're absolutely right the armoured headrest had been removed by the time those photos were taken - I missed that... too preoccupied on trying to judge mottling lol... Nice point about Priller's mechanic; truely a shared airbrush enthusiast! 🙂

  4. Great paintwork.

  5. Great camouflage work, Justin. Video was very cool. Isn't time compression great? Your shelves are full of some pretty cool models, too!

    • Very glad you like the video style George! Without a camera mount or filming set up in my workshop it's the only real style I can make so happy it still appeals 🙂
      Thanks very much for the kind words and you're right, full is the relevant term for the shelves at the moment 😉

  6. I like it Justin !

    Well done...

  7. Great work Justin. Good to see a 109 model with a different variation on the more normal BoB 71/02/65 patterns. I think Werner Molders' JG 51, as well as JG 53 experimented with some interesting variations. Well Done! Paul.

    • Thanks Paul; that's certainly why I picked this scheme - this was the final fighter in a Battle of Britain collection and I already had two Messerschmitt birds in 71/02/65 so really wanted a change. There seems to have been quite a lot of variation in JG 51 but I haven't seen much on JG 53 schemes so I'll look them up. Might be a while before I do another Emil though 😉

  8. Looks great - and love that scheme. Looks like your paint work was just perfect for this.

  9. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Nicely done Justin, good work on the scheme, well applied and very convincing.

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