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Manuel Magrinho
80 articles

Sikorsky UH-19A

October 3, 2019 · in Uncategorized · 6 · 1.9K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Portuguese SIKORSKY UH-19A (Italeri +Scratchbuild) 1/72
  2. Sikorsky UH-19A
  3. Portuguese SB-17G; (Conversion from B-17G)
  4. The Hawker Hurricane in Portuguese service; Arma Hobby, 1:72
  5. Portuguese Spitfire Mk.I; Tamiya 1/72
  6. SA-16A Albatross in Portuguese service; Sova-M, 1/72 kit

Hi all!

This article is actually the conclusion of a previous one, posted in March 2019. And, most of all, a big thanks to iModeler. The space created by iModeler to expose our work, hear some criticism and etc., makes us try to be better and better. Not only in the builds but also in the articles we write and the way we present our work. This build also got an Honorable Mention here, on the Monthly Awards.
All of this caught someone's attention and came the invitation to publish (3 pag article).
And I'm very happy 🙂
Thank you all, continue to model and bring little wonders into day light.


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7  Awesome 1  2 

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6 responses

  1. Congratulations, sir...a well deserved accolade.

  2. Parabéns pela publicação do artigo, o modelo merecia de facto destaque.

    • Obrigado Pedro. O modelo teve um desafio serio, e que levei a serio, mas a participação neste forum deu-me outra alavancagem. Hoje é dia de "thank you iModeler!"
      E obrigado a ti também pelo apoio dado em várias reviews. Um abraço

  3. Nice! Congrats.

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