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Jordyn Collier
39 articles

Update No. 3- Ju 87G-1 Stuka

November 7, 2019 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.3K

I think this is the third update? Anyway, I am part of this group called "The Group Build Group" on Facebook. And on there, i saw this person who was building a 1/24th scale , and wished that he could do a night scheme for it because he used so much black primer. So, I took it upon myself to make a nightfighter scheme. It may not be totally historically accurate, but modeling isn't always about that. So, here i am. The beginning of this invented scheme that i hope turns out.

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9 responses

  1. And yes. I was excited and took the pics with the paint still slightly wet. That's the shine you see.

  2. You're right, our hobby isn't always about historical accuracy... but it is always about enthusiasm, and you have plenty of it. Keep it up!

  3. This build looks just fine Jordyn ! Carry on... authentic colors or not, who cares ? Some German planes did have a very dark gray or even black undersides.

    A lot of the builds that people show in various places as "Luft 46" are hypothetical too, yet people still build them. These Luft 46 planes I'm talking about are models of various Late War German Luftwaffe projects that were on the drawing board or scheduled to be in production had the War carried on through 1946, (or worse yet even longer).

    Have some fun with it and build what makes you happy. I think that your work has been improving with each new posting you make here on Imodeler. You're getting better all the time.

    Please keep your enthusiasm alive and have fun... Thanks for posting this Stuka for us to enjoy.


    • Wow Louis. Thank you so much for the kind words. You really made me feel better about this project lol. And I like the Luft 46 planes, I just more meant that this stuka already existed with set schemes, so I wasnt sure….. And thank you for the like as well. And I dont think that this enthusiasm I have for the hobby will ever die. People like you and the others here on Imodeler will always keep it going. Have a nice day.

      • The trick Jordyn is to keep bringing younger people into the hobby or it will die out. So many planes and cars available for purchase and display/instant gratification that some youngsters (and adults) have the feeling "Why build?" I noticed in your 1/18 Avenger article that you have an ROTC instructor and you were rebuilding the Avenger for him/her so I assume you're college aged. So grab your younger brothers/sisters/cousins/friends and get 'em building! (And better yet help them post so they can work on their writing and story telling skills! I used to HATE writing essays in school, but here it's a lot of fun because I'm writing about something I have some passion behind. Not an essay on "Why did George Milton shoot Lenny in the back of the head in 1500 words or more.") Welcome to iModeler Jordyn!

        • I am not college level, and I’m actually a Sophmore in highschool. I only have two sisters, and neither of them are interested, but I have a small modeling club at school as a start. I’ve also managed to get a few friends to try it out. And I agree, most are happier with instant gratification, but I was, very fortunately, raised building things. I didnt get electronics until i needed them for school around 8th grade. So, i grew up with a passion for the trades and for the modeling hobby, starting out with lincoln logs, legos, and other classic toys. So my enthusiasm solely is because of people like my grandparents and parents. I'm also in several clubs that keep old and antique tractors and cars, and I really enjoy being a part of that as well. I've done so many things from farming to changing a garbage disposal. And I'm glad that I have been doing that my whole life instead of being raised to the entitlement of instant gratification. Thank you for the kind words. Have a nice rest of your evening.

          • Ah, Legos. Probably the best toy ever invented! (At 44 I still build occasionally!) The Lego Ideas Saturn V and Voltron sets are amazing! The two kids who designed the Saturn V also followed up with the launch gantry and pad. Although it didn't get voted into production the instructions and parts list are available so it can be built. Just not as an "official" set. (Although did all the work for you and sell the kit for $145. I want it!) I've seen pictures and they are impressive paired together!

  4. Jordyn, Looking Good!
    At the end of the day if you are happy with it...than ya' done good!

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