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Allon kira
69 articles

AFV Club, M-113, IDF Nagmash, Yom Kippur, 1/35

December 28, 2019 · in Armor · · 6 · 4.4K

Hi everyone, this is my , , Nagmash, Yom Kippur war in scale.
Built almost out of the box with minor additions.
colors and weathering effects by Ammo-Mig mostly, Tamiya and AK.
Happy new year, guys!

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Just an amazing build and great workmanship. Absolutely stunning weathering and attention to detail.

  2. Really great looking model. The photos are super, thanks for posting this one.

  3. Allon,

    Some strong work with a subject you know intimately. Definitely, a contender for "Model of the Month." What with the photography and the build. I can only parrot whats been written before.

    Two thumbs up.

  4. Allon, @allonkira67

    This looks so realistic, and reminds me of what ours looked like when I served in the US Army. The only differences I can see between your model and what was on our APC's are that ours had a much shorter exhaust, and no additional brackets for storage on the outside of the vehicle. Other than that. they look the same and were most likely modifications done when the IDF received them.

    These were very fun to drive ! A real blast and I was surprised at how fast and nimble they were. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us, and Happy New Year.

  5. Another fine armour build, looks great!

  6. stunning as usual Allon 😉 but I love this one particularly very much.

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