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Clive Seabrook
2 articles

ICM's new 1/32 Gladiator

December 13, 2019 · in Aviation · · 4 · 3K

I usually play safe and wait for a kit to be reviewed before buying, but having seen reviews of (or purchased) some of 's recent kits, I thought I'd take the plunge.

The kit is presented in the usual ICM top-opening box with its separate card lid and a nice bit of artwork which will be familiar to those of us who've awaited this release. All I've done so far is take the plastic out of it's bags - all the sprues are in one bag with the transparencies in a separate bag within the main bag, not as good as one bag per sprue, but better for the environment!

The surface detail is restrained but crisp, with a fair bit of engine and internal detail that looks like it will build nicely. All flying surfaces except landing flaps are separate, and the transparencies are thin and crystal clear. There's no brass so I'll need to get a Sutton harness from one of the usual sources.

The decals look quite good, in register but a little on the thick side and there's limited variety in the schemes so I may have a look around for something aftermarket, but that said, the kit would still look good built straight out of the box.

In conclusion, can't wait to make a start!

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11  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. That looks nice. I cant wait for the build.

  2. ICM has been making some wonderful new tool kits over the past few years. I have the ICM Heinkel 111 H-3 and I am very impressed with the quality they put into their kits as a late. The details you have shown us in the photos are remarkable, and the clear parts are like crystal... This looks like a great new kit. Thanks for posting the review.

  3. Thanks for the review, mine's on the way from Hannant's. There are no 1/32 Gladiator aftermarket decals at present, but there's a likelihood that Pheon Decals may release a sheet in the spring of 2020. The decals in the kit are for the Gladiator flown by the RAF Gladiator ace of aces, Malcolm Thomas St. John "Pat" Pattle, who scored 15.5 of his 50 victories in this Gladiator.

  4. Well done Clive, your correct in going ahead and pull the trigger on that kit. ICM has vastly improved their products and quality of their kits. Similar to how Airfix has resurrected their new mold kits. Still not Tamiya, in the building process. But not intense. The details look very good in your pics. Looking forward to when you get started on it. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas.

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