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M10 Régiment Blindé de Fusiliers-Marins

February 29, 2020 · in Armor · · 12 · 2.4K

Hello from New Zealand: Been a while since I shared a build, so... It's hard to explain, the M10 is just one of those subjects that has a very definite appeal to me, but I would never commit to building one until recently because I knew my 'skills' (such as they are), would never come close to building what I saw in my head. It's only in the last two or three years that my AFV 'skills' have started to coalesce, so in 2018 I took a deep-breath, bought the kit and then left it alone... still nervous of it y'see.

Started work finally on it just before Christmas and have been grabbing a few sessions here and there for the last eight weeks or so. The kit is NOT a straightforward build, a lot of planning is needed especially in the early stages where building-up, masking and painting the interior sub-assemblies has to be done in such a way as to minimise re-painting and re-masking over and over again. The fit of the turret halves was a nightmare as they seemed to be entirely different sizes, but with some good super-glue, some pulling and twisting and a fair chunk of swearing it did work-out. The kit-supplied gun-barrel is terrible and best consigned to the bin in my opinion - the kit-specific barrel & mantlet set from DEF Model is a massive improvement and highly recommended.

I decided before I began that the finished model would have very little in the way of stowage as historically the RBFM vehicles that took part in the Paris Liberation skirmishes drove only short distances from their lager areas, fought then retreated for the evening to start all over again the following day !. Also I recently finished an Easy 8 in 'road march' configuration and fancied something a little more 'minimalist'.

As ever thanks for taking the time to look and / or comment, please feel free to ask any questions or suggest any improvements. Next for me is a Eurofighter and then an M41 Walker Bulldog, both for GB's elsewhere on t'interweb.

Have a great weekend, folks.

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8  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. I like the way it looks, definitely true to scale effect rendering it very realistic Ian. Splendid model mate!

  2. Looks good to me Ian, for all the issues you mentioned it really turned out quite well. I like it.

  3. Very nice work! I like the perfect "amount " of weathering!

  4. Nice work. I especially like the rain streaks/weathering on the turret. What did you paint and weather this model with?

    • Thanks John
      I used the Ammo / Mig Olive Drab modulation set, then an overall brown enamel wash, followed by the usual pin wash, chips & scratches, oil-dot filter and finally (Ughhhh) pigments.

      After each process I sealed in what I'd just done with a clear coat. The final clear coat is Ammo / Mig's 'Ultra Matt' which I used first on the Sherman you see in the last photo.


  5. Man, I can't see anything not to love on this highly-realistic looking model. And putting next to the equally-nice Sherman proves it's no fluke. Your "AFV skills" are definitely there.

  6. I agree with Tom. Saying your armor skills just coalesqued is an understatement. You can be real proud of this build, Ian. Great weathering!

  7. Ian, Looks like a real chunk of steel weighing in at a few tons. detail on the inside looks great too. Nicely done !

  8. SHARP ! It looks like the real thing !

  9. Thank you folks, really appreciate the kind words.

    As mentioned, it's a Eurofighter next... but perhaps not what you'd expect.

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