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Jimmy Zed
20 articles

Two models, one base

February 14, 2020 · in Aviation · · 11 · 1.8K

This was an idea to space save in my cabinet, the trusty Detolf, but still have some bases to add interest. My previous Spitfire build with base takes up a shelf all by it's lonesome, which makes only four planes per cabinet. It looks cool, but money and room (lack off) require that i needed to have it look cool.. but also fit neatly. The shelf space available is around 39x29cm so i cut a 38 x 14 piece from the trusty old bed frame languishing in the shed and two WWII single engined jobs fit nicely, without appearing cluttered. I also prefer the rectangular shape for bases over the more traditional square.

The wood base is simply sprayed black, a section of cheap rolled grass cut and glued to one end, trimmed where the Vallejo pigments (Burnt Umber and Natural Umber) blend it to the runway and then fading those pigments out as it turns from the Western Front to the African Front with more pigments ( Light Yellow Ochre and Dark Yellow Ochre) The pigments are simply held in place by using a mix of pva glue and water that is sprayed at about 20 psi onto the base then i use a tea leaf strainer to deposit the pigment. Three layers in total.

For a few hours work it's a nice basic solution for myself.

Oh, if anyone is interested the 109's are the Eduard Royal Class dual kit. I have posted the Werner Molders model previously but not the trop.

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11 responses

  1. Very nice Jimmy, the 'Trop' rules! Great work!

  2. Your display base is neat and very ingenious Jimmy, the execution looks perfect and I suspect most people can build a replica of your project following your I build descriptions, though the finish base might not look as good as yours πŸ™‚ thanks for sharing!

    • Should be able to Pedro, you could even do it with filtered yard dirt and then paint it if one doesn't want to buy pigments. Very basic home project πŸ™‚

  3. Novel idea Jimmy and one that really works well. I can visualize a couple of Spits sitting on the same base. I like it

  4. Looks great Jimmy. Really like the transition across the base. You did a bang up job on this.

  5. A great pair of 109's and base!

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