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David Kopielski
76 articles

1/48 Freedom Models F-20A Tigershark

March 18, 2020 · in Aviation · · 5 · 3.6K

This is the Freedom Models 1/48 scale F-20A Tigershark. Built by Northrop (before they became Northrop Grumman). They used the F-5E as a base and modified many aspects of the frame and avionics to make the F-5G. When the USAF started the FX concept the designation was changed to the F-20. It was a very nice aircraft however there were a lot of political issues that prevented the F-20 program from happening.

This kit represents the F-20A of the three prototypes built. I built and painted it as prototype 2. There are very little aftermarket accessories for this kit so all the details were made from scratch.
You can see all the build details and photos at

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8  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Nice build! Like how Northrop updated the F-5 into the F-20.

    It only flew in anger only in Barrett Tillman's novel "The Warriors" and the Japanese Anime Area 88.

  2. Really nice work on this.

    Back in 1983, a friend at Northrop got me up to Palmdale to see Chuck Yeager belt the #1 prototype around the sky over the field in a private airshow. The airplane was a real performer.

    Didn't sell on the international market since it was aimed at the air forces that flew the F-5, and the J-79 engine about doubled the price - that and the fact it wasn't picked up by it's "home" air force was what killed it.

  3. Totally agreed with the political issue stuff. It was a lovely pragmatical plane with A LOT of potential. It's a pity we didn't enjoy it produced in numbers. You did an excellent job, David.
    All the best!

  4. A fine looking Tigershark! I always thought it just "didn't look quite right" with that huge, single burner can hanging off the back of it! Guess that comes from growing up on a T-38 training base.

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