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Allon kira
69 articles

Takom 1/35 M3 Lee late

April 20, 2020 · in Armor · · 11 · 2.3K

Hi guys,

Here are some close ups of my Takom, late in . built just out of the box.

colors and weathering effects by: Ammo-Mig, Tamiya and AK.

Have a great day!

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Beautiful build! Looks like you have enjoyed the weathering which is just well balanced. The tools are really well done, especially the wood effect. I also appreciate the tones of the chipping and where it was applied. Creates a well balanced global look.
    Excellent job, bravo 🙂

  2. Excellent work Allon! Perfectly built and flawless weathering.
    All the best!

  3. Some of the best weathering I have seen. Great work!

  4. Allon @allonkira67, the weathering is Superb! Outstanding work here.

  5. All of the above, great job!

  6. Love the finish work and the weathering, but honestly the one thing that struck me the most is hand tools. I love the finish of the tools overall and to me it looks like you used real wood for the handles. Impressive, most impressive.

  7. Like the rest of them said - the weathering and finish is superb.

  8. This is some high-class weathering.
    Amazing work!

  9. Allon, Your paint work/weather is outstanding giving this a very realistic look. Very well done !

  10. very nice work. Great weathering - always something where I start to make mistakes but hoping the current situation will teach me patience in more than just work life...

  11. That is an awesome tank model, Allon @allonkira67! 👍 I have a question though, how on Earth did you get an actual German helmet onto a scale model? 😉 That is just sensational work, sir! 🏆

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