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Darren Dickerson
71 articles

1/48 Tamiya P-47D "Cockpit Trouble" 333rd FS 318th FG Saipan 1944

August 21, 2020 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2K

Thundercals Decals
Ultracast Seat and Wheels
& Mr Hobby Paints, Future Gloss, Xtracrylix Flat

Happy Modelling!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. What a great collection of P47's you have, Darren.
    Another beautiful one.

  2. Darren, as I mentioned earlier this one is my favourite! And the option with the NMF engine cowl is much more appealing than the OD alternative. This manufacturer gives a lot of eye catching razorbacks

  3. I go with Pedro @holzhamer: this is my favorite scheme, too.
    Amazing building, as the others.

  4. Another great-looking T-Bolt! Well done.

  5. Beautiful build and finish I love the P-47 a favorite of mine. You nailed it!

  6. Looks great, nice scheme!

  7. Darren beautiful looking Razorback and excellent ghoice of markings. Love the overall finish ! I to am buildin the same plane as we speek 🙂

  8. Looks great Darren (@darren-d). I just got the Thundercals set for San Antonio Rose, so I may have to move my Razorback farther up the build list.

  9. G'day Darren,
    I had just come across these decals online the other day and here you've gone and built four of them.
    You've done a great job on all of them.
    Liked x 4

  10. G'day Darren,
    Can I ask why you painted the cowling bare metal when the decal sheet profile has it camouflaged?

  11. Hi Michael
    The P-47 had NMF later in life, see pics. The instructions make note of it as well, good reasearch from Norris Graser as always on his decals sheets.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  12. Excellent work.
    Looks like it just rolled out of the factory 🙂
    Much better than that one in the old photo.

    Have you added any "battle weathering" ?

    Also doesn't the kit come with the pilot figure ?

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