1:48 Scale Trumpeter Savoia-Marchetti, SM-79 Sparviero (Sparrow Hawk)

December 29, 2020 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 2.3K

This model was a build in the making of about four, maybe five years. One of those builds that was really intriguing at first, but was a constant interest loser for the rest of the time. I'd pick it up now and again, play around with her, and put her back on the "Shelf of Doom".

Why, you ask? Right to the point, the kit stinks. Probably one of the worst model kits I've built, which is why I kept putting it down time and time again.

I finally got my German up, and decided to finish her once and for all. I redid the upper tail supports with pieces of wire and stretched sprue, (The kit parts are wrong), The decals sucked, things were out of shape, the kit is just terrible. Fit was so-so, and it need a lot of filler to fix things. Definitely designed by the alleged 'B' team. I would not recommend this one to anyone'

I used custom mixings of Tamiya acrylics and free handed the camouflage pattern. True Details resin wheels, stretched sprue antenna. If I ever decide to build a second one, I may take a shot at the Classic Airframes kit. At least that kit is a more accurate representation of the real aircraft. That being said, I am finally calling this one finished, but she's a real “Four Footer” to be sure! Maybe five...

Markings are for a machine assigned to the 283rd Squadriglia, 130th Gruppo, from Italy, July 1942.

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9  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Kit issues aside, you turned out a very nice Sparrowhawk

  2. Glad you finished this kit because it looks very nice, Frederick.
    Good detailing and a great camouflage.

  3. The Sparviero was one of my "to do" models, upon reentering the hobby, back in 2001. In fact, I managed to put together the ancient SMER kit. When I saw the Trumpeter offering, I was amazed and immediately bought one: it looked great in the box.
    Well, almost all reviews on it are not positive. Still, I might give it a try one day.
    You did a wonderful job on yours, Frederick, and I will definitely use your build as a reference.

  4. Trumpeter’s Sparviero was the only kit I gave away after a few years in the stash. The reasons for this are well put byyour words Frederick.
    That said you did a great job getting this one done, bravo!

  5. Man finally conquers plastic, well done Fredrick, she looks good from here.

  6. Nice work Frederick, I like the look of these Italian Bombers.
    Well done for perservering - it looks pretty good to me!

  7. Very nice - one of my favorite WWII attack aircraft and you did it justice!

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