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Rolland C.II (Eduard Ritter von Schleich – FFA 2b – March 1916)

September 9, 2021 · in Aviation · · 31 · 2.3K

Model from WNW.

The plane was made out of the box except for the top gun handles, the air duct on top of the cooling system, and the rigging. Propeller and wood effects were done with color pencils and oils.

The base was made from scratch. The terrain was done with AK Light Earth plus soil from my garden, then fixed with Gravel & Sand fixer. The hangar was made from various materials, then bricks have been craved one by one in the AK extruded foam. The roof has been made from cardboard. The gas station, barrels, and other stuff and figures are from Plus Model. Figures and camera from Blackdog. Weathering made with acrylic paints and Abteilung 502 oils.

Reader reactions:
23  Awesome

32 additional images. Click to enlarge.

31 responses

  1. Looks great, Alex. Nice job

  2. This is a truly wonderful model, Alex!

  3. Excellent work, Alex. What color did you paint the interior? Years ago I remember that the general consensus was varnished bulkheads and floors and gray fuselage walls. I’ve recently seen discussions that point towards overall gray for the interiors with the possible exception of the floors.

    • Hi John,
      Just added some more pictures of the interior and engine.
      I tried to find some pics and archives to define in which color I have to paint the interior. I found some pics where I was able to distinguish clear plywood for the floor and a light color for the fuselage. Definitely not easy to find good information.

  4. Remarkable build, finish and diorama. ALL superb.

  5. A Masterpiece! What an absolutely stunning and beautiful build, of museum quality. I love the build, the paint and the presentation. I know the WNW kit is wonderful, but the skills on display here are incredible.

    • Hi Walt, Hehe, I should admit that my place starts to look like a museum now with all the models I have already made :-D.
      Your comment makes me blush, but I like it 😉 Many thanks!

  6. Zowie! Some of the best weathering I've seen! How did you achieve that subtle speckling? What a beauty.

    • Hi Greg,
      Many thanks again for all your supportive messages 🙂
      I generally using oils (Abteilung 502) for the weathering and various effects. Much more controllable than acrylics or enamels.

  7. I like this model a lot. Good work.

    I can understand the "artsiness" of doing photos in the dark like this, but for the purpose of displaying you work, a little more light on the subject would go a long way.

    • Hi Tom,
      Many thanks for your kind message 🙂
      You are absolutely right about the dark side of my pics. I use panels I painted black, unfortunately, this paint is a bit shinny and created some light reflection.
      I bought last week a black fabric designed for photo studio that would, I hope, improve the quality of my pics, and mainly the light intensity I would be able to apply.
      Let's see!

  8. What a fantastic biplane and diorama, Alex @modalex6149
    Everything is done in a superb way.
    No matter where you look, all is fantastic.

  9. Beautiful work. Really well done.

  10. Stunning, love the details everywhere. Outstanding

  11. All of the above, great build!

  12. Attention to detail is outstanding.

  13. Wow Alex, that is some amazing work! I'll have to resurrect my W.N.W. Pup and get her finished.

  14. Masterful indeed. Your attention to detail is inspirational, and makes me realise how much i have to learn (and so little time)! Those leather seats are divine. Great diorama!

    • Hi Doug,
      Yeah, same issue here, managing 50 guys in 4 different locations does not provide me a lot of time. However, I noticed that hobby had the benefit to calm me down and has rebalanced my life. So I try to reserve almost every day around 1h for scale modeling.
      Many thanks for your message and I remain available if you would need some help 🙂

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