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Clark Cook
21 articles

1/72 Matchbox/Revell Panther

November 29, 2021 · in Aviation · · 24 · 1.5K

Total out of the box build. Model Master GSB. A very decent kit with some diligent work preparing for the final color. Kit decals were used and they are excellent. The nose sits a bit high due to the front gear...I could fix that after the fact. This build has been a bit extended due to a busy work schedule but the long Thanksgiving break gave me the time I needed to finish up. Hope you like her.

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24 responses

  1. The Panther is supposed to sit nose-up. Don't change anything on this small gem.

  2. Looks great. That’s another nice Matchbox kit. Well done.

  3. Really nice job on that 1/72nd Panther and a fine choice of not often seen squadron markings. Very well done Clark.

  4. Very nice work on this oldie, Clark @clarkcook
    I'm impressed what you did on this 1/72 kit.

  5. Nothing better than seeing a Matchbox kit perfectly build.
    Congratulations Clark!

  6. Nice job on your build, it came out looking great! I always love seeing a Matchbox kit build.

  7. Looks good - I also like seeing these old kits built up nicely!

  8. Great looking Panther Clark.
    Just more proof that those older molds can still do the job, I've always have been a fan of Matchbox.

  9. Looks like a nice model. Is it better then the Hasegawa F9F Panther?

  10. Nice work on a classic kit of a classic plane! I did one a while back it is a nice kit.

  11. Love those Matchbox kits - nice work Clark!

  12. Nice work Clark, looks great - love these old matchbox kits they are pretty simple but for some reason so nice to make - you did it brilliantly.

    • Good day Anthony. Yes and regarding this kit there are many small detail parts. I left the bombs off as they were out of proportion and didn't look correct. To my eye, the wingtip tanks are a bit elongated, and of course you have to do a bit of fill work on it both the wings and fuselage. But in the end it sure looks like a Panther. Thanks for your comments.

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