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Jiří Brůžek
1 article

Vážení přátelé!

November 8, 2021 · in Uncategorized · 8 · 1.4K

Jsem modelář z České republiky a mnohokrát jsem navštívil vaše stránky. Využívám nabídky a registrují se jako člen. Posílám vám fotografii pamětního kamene, který připomíná místo bývalého letiště, jehož piloti, stejně jako tisíce mladých lidí z celé republiky odešlo v pohnuté době roku 1939 do zahraničního odboje do Polska, Francie a nakonec Velké Británie, takže mohli být spolubojovníky i vašich blízkých, hájících nezávislost Britských ostrovů.
Tato památka se nachází v Plzni, část Bory. Dnes je na těchto místech Západočeská univerzita, obchodní a průmyslová zóna. Jsem rád, že jsem členem přátel v zemi, která má v úctě památky na průkopníky letectví. Mějte se krásně. Jiří Brůžek.

(Google translate added by Ed.) I am a modeler from the Czech Republic and I have visited your site many times. I use the offer and register as a member. I am sending you a photograph of a memorial stone reminiscent of the site of a former airport, whose pilots, as well as thousands of young people from all over the country left in the turbulent times of 1939 for foreign resistance in Poland, France and finally Great Britain, so they could joint the fight for the British Isles.

This monument is located in Pilsen, part of Bory. Today, the University of West Bohemia, a commercial and industrial zone, is located in these places. I am glad to be a member of friends in a country that honors the memory of the pioneers of aviation. Have a nice day.
Jiří Brůžek.

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8  Awesome

8 responses

  1. Vážení hello to you, I hope you enjoy and find it informative. Vítejte a užívejte si

  2. Thanks for the information and welcome, @jirkaslunce
    Please try to communicate in English. Not so many people do know Czech.

  3. Thanks for this nice info, Jiří!
    Lest we forget!
    Welcome aboard!

  4. I Will have to learn Cirillic script to understand this Jiri ! if you tried posting in English that would make your interesting tribute accessible to the world wide audience.
    Yes, the British defined by way of Conquest and trade, it , to be the most understood language on the planet.

  5. Welcome, Jiří Brůžek:

    Thank you for the great picture, and narrative about its meaning. My wife and I had the opportunity to visit the Czech Republic a few years ago, and we were both very pleased with your wonderful country. Our train even passed through Plsen, while enroute to Praha. What we saw there was beautiful, and we would like to visit again. The Charles Bridge, Hradchany, and the St Vitus Cathedral, are all something that everyone should see. You are truly blessed to live in the Czech Republic.

    Thanks again for your post.

    • You wrote that very nicely! Sometimes other people have to tell us how nice it is in the Czech Republic, because we don't pay much attention to it anymore. And that's a shame. All the more so: Thank you very much.

  6. Thank you for sharing this, and welcome . Thanks for the translation too,ed.

  7. Welcome, Vážení (@jirkaslunce). Looking forward to seeing your models. I think you will find all of the people on this site to be very supportive of all types of models. A personal note: My mother's parents were from Prague, and they came to the US prior to WW2. Lucky for me, right?

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