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Tony Prince
96 articles

RAAF Spitfire Vc. 452 Sqn. Northern Territory, Australia, 1943

September 25, 2022 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1K

Having made what seems to be a career out of Spitfires & particularly Vc versions of late, I'm happy to have finished my first Vc kit. All my other efforts for this mark have been mostly kit bashed, with the exception of one from Special Hobby, which I found very good. The Eduard kit is a lot more refined though & requires a fair bit more care for a satisfactory result, in my opinion. Since this was an 'Overtrees' kit I used DK decals for Spitfires, which give you enough markings for 12 Spitfires (so I'll have to do some more) & Vallejo Air for the topsides, which I found very good, having treated myself to a new airbrush recently. This particular aircraft was a presentation 'plane from Sir Harry & Lady Oakes, & was flown by Flt. Lt. J. Bisley, out of Strauss Airfield, near Darwin, in 1943.

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16 responses

  1. Yet another of your superb Spitfires, Tony! Surely, the Eduard is a good kit, but it takes your skills to come up with such great result! Your new airbrush seems to deliver superbly, as well!

  2. Keep those Spitfires coming, Tony.

  3. I love RAAF Spitfires!

  4. Very nice result, Tony @tony-prince
    Seems like Vallejo and your airbrush do get along really great.

  5. Very good work and a great result, @tony-prince.

    Do an Eduard Spitfire and you're spoiled for life. 🙂

  6. Nice work, Tony. I have a couple of those in the “to do” pile.

  7. Great job on this Tony

  8. A great-looking Spit, and excellent markings. Well done!

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