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iModeler tutorialDealing with comments

Database entry · October 13, 2022 · in How-to · · 342
This article is part of a series:
  1. iModeler tutorial - Posting your first article at iModeler: A gentle introduction
  2. iModeler tutorial - 12 practices to bring your iModeler writing to the next level
  3. iModeler tutorial - Dealing with comments

As your articles at iModeler become more popular you will likely receive comments. Besides providing you with feedback about how the readers feel about your subject, comments are great network building tools, so it’s well worth encouraging them. Here are a few tips on dealing with comments.

Respond to comments if you can

Comments may be short or long but are almost always useful. Every comment is a sign that your content has been engaging.

Responding to comments is a good practice. It is polite, shows your readers that you care about their feedback and helps your network grow.

When you receive a negative comment

An issue that is almost guaranteed to occur over time is that someone may be critical, negative or not agree with what you have posted and will tell you this by leaving a comment.

There is nothing strange about this happening, so when it does - do not panic! There are good ways of dealing with negative comments described further down in this document, so read on.

Allow for misunderstandings

Most of your readers are good people, but as good as the web is for enhancing communication, it’s an imperfect medium. People read things in your articles that you had no intention of saying. They “see” your message in a different way to how you see it.

Your reader’s personality, mood and outlook on life can completely twist your intended message and it will happen whether you like it or not. Articles are not emotional, but humans are, so you need to be prepared for any kind of response after pushing that publish button.

Distinguish between criticism and hate

Just because someone leaves comments criticizing you and your work, does not necessarily make them dislike you. This is a big misunderstanding, and many chalk up criticism as hate. However, criticism can be a good thing.

Nobody likes to hear the bad or what’s wrong with something, especially after they have potentially put hours upon hours, and hard work into it. But, criticism helps you to become better. If you were constantly being told how great you or something you did is, you may stop improving, and become complacent about your own doings.

Avoid angry replies!

Negative commentary can make one feel disappointed, upset, sometimes angry.

Unfortunately, acting it out through an angry response, full of defensive and argumentative commentary isn't likely to do you any good. More than anything, an author loosing temper in an online conversation merely shows the World that there are other sides to himself than his initial writing was intended to convey.

The best advice is this:

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all

You should know that phrase – it’s one of those our mothers teach us when young. It’s perfect for situations like this, apply it to yourself when dealing with web cowboys.

Turn negativity into a positive

The winning technique to deal with negative comments is to use them to show how mature you are and demonstrate your credibility. If you respond to negative comments without anger, with no negative emotion and with a calm “your side of the story” response, you will gain the respect of your readers. Acknowledge the commenter’s point – it’s a good communication technique to say you heard and understand someone else’s point of view – and you will do wonders for your public perception.

Better still, you will enhance your reputation and credibility even further among your network.

Fight spam and cyber-bullying

In extreme cases, you may encounter a negative comment that adds nothing to the conversation and will go along the lines of animosity towards you as a person. iModeler has clear policies against cyber-bullying and we put every effort in keeping such unacceptable behavior at bay. If you feel that you're being bullied, please report it to @techsupport.

You can also take an action on your own by Muting the offending person. Muting means disallowing a specific user from further commenting on your posts. You will find a Mute this user button at the offender's profile page. Please keep in mind that muting should be seen as the last resort measure, as it disallows any further dialogue with the muted member.

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