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Stan Forier
4 articles

1/48 Me163 with Schleuch-Schlepper and pilot from Gaspatch Models

March 30, 2023 · in Aviation · · 11 · 0.7K

Hey guys, first post here. I finished my latest project, a diorama with a Me 163 along with towing vehicle and figures. Pilot, Schlepper and Me 163 are from Models in Greece. Outstanding quality and detail! Go get it if you are interested, you won't be disappointed.

Had a blast making it. Also my first go at a real diorama. You can have your own go at the story it tells 🙃.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Nice work all around, Stan. Welcome aboard. Hope to see more in the future.

  2. Great work Stan! Kit, figures, and vehicle are all top notch. Thanks for sharing and welcome!

  3. A superb result, Stan!
    Welcome aboard!

  4. Great work. Nice detail.

  5. Looks awesome! Great piece of work.

  6. An amazing entry, Stan @Stakke
    A beautiful build and ditto diorama.
    Welcome to this amazing community.

  7. The shape of the base is nice, adds visual interest to the scene . Very nice workmanship on all the components of this diorama .

    • Thx Jay, not 100% satisfied with the grass and the material I used as underground. Grass is too uniform in color but I only have one so far (that will change 🙂 ). I did make some darker patches ("wet spots") by brushing with darker green. Also the water isn't what I set it out to look like.
      Lessons learned. 🙂

  8. Great model, Stan, welcome to iModeler.

  9. Very well done Stan @stakke , great painting and weathering! Looking forward to whatever comes next!

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