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Ken Glass
8 articles

Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #4

This article is part of a series:
  1. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23
  2. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #2
  3. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #3
  4. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #4
  5. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #5
  6. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #6
  7. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #7
  8. Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #8

Mirage 48th PZL P.24 Karas; .

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. You obviously enjoyed this show, Ken, thanks for sharing these great photographs with us.

  2. Some more nice builds, Ken @kenglass

  3. Amazing pics, Ken!

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