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Ross Paton
30 articles

"This one is SMALL and this one is FAR AWAY!" (Father Ted)

April 21, 2023 · in Aviation · · 16 · 488

Decided to make a Mini Me of Airfixes . Hunted down a second hand and painted and decalled it the same as . Not a bad kit. Bought a couple of Eduard accesories.

Biggest noticable difference, apart from the obvious, is the paucity of detail in the wheel well. If Eduard ever do a Typhoon I'm sure this will be addressed! Having said that, I gather Eduard reboxed this kit for a spell.

Otherwise the rocket rails seem overscale being about the same thickness as the Airfix ones.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Awesome builds. Nice to see the difference in details between the two scales.

  2. They both look great! Well done.

  3. Both are equally great, Ross @ross4
    Very nice paintwork.

  4. Love them both, Ross!
    Indeed, the difference in wells detailing is notable.

  5. Nice builds on both!

  6. That is some impressive work! Top notch builds on both

  7. Nicely done, Ross, Just love the exposed power plant!

  8. Excellent work on both, @ross4. That Airfix kit is really astounding.

  9. Two very nice Typhoons, Father Ted was a great series.

  10. Great looking builds, I don't know why but these two came to mind when I saw your builds.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  11. Don't let Father Larry Duff fly one.

  12. G'day Ross (@ross4),
    What I like is that you can see the detail of the innards of one and the closed-up form of the other.
    What a great idea (if you have the room).

  13. Nice, two great looking Typhoons! The Hasegawa kit must have felt like a quick build compared to the Airfix kit. Great job on both builds.

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