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Mike Sloan
1 article

Vintage Kits

April 12, 2023 · in Photo Collections · · 18 · 507

Hello to everyone

This is my first post. Reading all the posts on kits, I decided to look through my stash of unbuilt kits to see what I might have. I found quite a few and included a couple of photos of a few of them. The include

Revell 1/32 ME 262

Matchbox 1/72 Walrus

Like Like 1/48 Hawker Fury and Gloster Gladiator

MPC 1/72 Avro Vulcan

I have other including an Aurora CF 100, box scale

Revell 1/32 Sopwith Camel and Lindberg Turbine Car

I hope to eventually build each one of these.But given the number of unbuilt kits in my stash,, will be a challenge.

Happy Modeling to all.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Awesome stuff, Mike!
    Welcome aboard!

  2. Keep that Vulcan kit in its unbuilt glory and get the new one to do a model from. I did the old one, and am doing the new one, and there is no comparison.

  3. Those as great vintage kits, Mike @planefreek
    Welcome to this great community.

  4. Welcome to iModeler, Mike, now get building.

  5. Welcome aboard Mike you'll enjoy this modeling site. Lots of helpful modelers reside here.

  6. Great to see those nice box arts. Welcome to iMod.

  7. Those look like pretty nice examples.
    I think those life like kits were later released by Lindberg.

  8. I’m a huge Jack Leynnwood fan, but his box art for Revell’s Me262B always left me puzzled; it’s supposed to be night, right?

  9. Welcome aboard Mr. Sloan.

  10. I've also got the Vulcan, someday...

  11. Love it! The Me-262 takes me back to my grammar school days gawking at kits like that at my now long-gone local hobby shop. Pleasant memories indeed. Thanks for sharing!

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