FA-50GF or T-50 “on steroids” ; mainly Academy ; 1/72

May 11, 2024 · in Aviation · · 14 · 341

About the aircraft

The FA-50 is a developmental version of the T-50, a training aircraft based on F-16 components. T-50 was developed in Korea in the 1990s. It was later developed into a combat-training version FA-50.

About the copy

Due to the tense international situation, Poland has decided to purchase 48 FA-50s in 2022. The first 12 units have already been delivered - unfortunately, in the FA-50GF version, where GF stands for “Gap Filler.” The GF version supports only older types of armaments. Only the newer, just-produced FA-50PL (PL from PoLand) will support newer versions of the weapon like AIM-9X or GBU-12. The presented armament configuration has thus been matched to the GF version (although for the time being the planes fly in Poland without any armament).

About the model

Since there is no FA-50 model in scale on the market, I had to use a base in the form of a simple T-50 snap-it kit. I added resin seats from the F-16 + scratchbuilt cockpit, a kit to convert the T-50 to the FA-50PH (Philippine FA-50), and an armament kit. I drew the decals myself. The result is a simplified FA-50 model, but it pleases my eye because I know it is one of a kind 🙂

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome 1 

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Never heard of this aircraft before. Very creative and sharp build. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very sharp conversion build.

  3. Very nice conversion build, Konrad!

  4. Really good work done, Konrad @konrad
    An unknown aircraft to me as well but it clearly has some F16 elements on it.

  5. I always like homebuilt conversions. This is very good.

  6. Great looking FA-50 Konrad (@konrad) and great work with the conversion. This MCP kit has some great panel lining.
    Coincidentally, I found this kit on the shelf at a LHS and grabbed it immediately as I have seen them available on-line but never in a store. Is the conversion kit still available?

  7. I've wanted to do something similar for a while, and seeing your result I'm more emboldened to give it a go! Your turned out great!

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