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Robert Royes
255 articles

Musings of a Hustler, Atlantis B-58, 1/96

May 12, 2024 · in Aviation · · 17 · 366

You wanted me to fly high and fast on missions that were probably one way, but the advent of the SAM canceled that. you wanted me to fly law and fast, this I was able to do, but with that found fault. citing an accident rate that was in line with the century fighters, which fell off when operational. With the politricks of the day you took me out of service.

Me thinks that the got a bad rap. When the Vigilante had no job, they turned it into a high-speed brownie camera. How much did that cost?

I know what an aircraft with two J-79s sound like can you imagine four in burner? This 's boxing of the old kit. The scale is which there were other Revell kits in this scale. not to big not to small.

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome 4  1 

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Nice! This one had the droppable fuel tank, right?

  2. Excellent job, Robert!

  3. The B-58 is such a cool looking bird. IN flight really shows the lines. Even on the ground, it looks like it's going 1000 miles per hour. Looks good Robert

  4. Weapon and fuel pods center line. They also added hard points under fuselage

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. Looks awesome, Robert (@roofrat). I remember building this when I was a kid, and I have this Atlantis kit in the queue to be eventually built. The NMF on yours is outstanding. What did you use for the NMF? Well done.

    • An old can of testors metallizer I think it was stainless steel, and testors aluminum rattlers and a silver scripto pen. camo grey for landing gear skin areas . Thanks all.

  6. Superb result on this mighty Hustler, Robert @roofrat

  7. Great looking aircraft and a great looking build. Nicely done, Robert.

  8. Doc Holiday would have said It's a daisy. Very nice finish. The head on shot reminds me of standing at the end of the Glenview Naval Air Station to watch the departure of the Chicago Lakefront Airshow participants. Two F-106 Darts started their roll and I foolishly stood there with my camera waiting until the last second. And then they were over me. I ducked out of reflex at the overwhelming noise. That was before digital cameras so here is a photo of a photo.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  9. I can imagine the fuel gauge drastically dropping by the minute.
    Nice work on this kit, Robert (@roofrat) and great photos also.

  10. Thatโ€™s just flat out cool.

  11. Terrific looking Hustler Robert @roofrat. You really dialed in the NMF. I have fond memories of building the Revell version when I was 11-12 yrs old.

  12. She's a beauty Robert, looks great! My father built this kit back in the mid 60's, then a few years later I built the Monogram box scale B-58 and that same year my father and I got to build the Lindberg B-58 with all the bells and whistle. This is one of those planes that just simply looks out of this world and looks great as a kit.

  13. Well done! I always though the Hustler was a sleek-looking, aggressive design.

  14. So cool, Robert! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿคฉ Great model, sir! ๐Ÿ‘

  15. A gorgeous build of a still very impressive aircraft!
    My compliments on this piece of work, Robert.

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