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John J Licht
14 articles

Sd.Kfz.251/1 Wiking Division

May 29, 2024 · in Armor · · 4 · 263

Eastern front Wiking division half track. Finishing done using and Vallejo paints. Weathering was done primarily with washes with Vallejo German Camo black brown, dry brushing with Vallejo Iraqi sand, MiG tan filter and AK summer Kursk earth effects. Interior and exterior stowage was either included with the kit or from the parts box. Driver came with the kit and the figure with binoculars is from Tamiya's 250/9 kit. I used this build to work on camouflage patterns ( pea dot, oak spring, oak fall). I think the oak patterns came out pretty good but the pea dot middle color is too yellow. I found a better color for next time. I think the model looks OK overall but is somewhat monochromatic with the base color, soil effects and canvas cover all pretty close color wise. I know that is the case with military vehicles and equipment but I'm not sure if it translates that successfully here. Next project is a Flakpanzer IV wirbelwind. Thank you for all comments and criticisms.

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6  Awesome 1 

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4 responses

  1. Nice job on your half track, John!

  2. Excellent result, John!

  3. A very nice result, John @atjoe
    All the equipment in the boxes is a great addition.

  4. Lovely work John

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