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Anthony Ricco
47 articles

43 - 1/48 Italeri Bell AB-212 / UH-1N

I enjoyed this kit so so much, what a beautiful . As always it needed a few upgrades but those are what makes it individual and interesting.

I decided to do the version that was used in Afghanistan.

I started out in the cockpit adding some seatbelts using chocolate foil wrapping (that was a nice treat) and I cut the buckles from plastic and painted them.

The instrument panels were pained and detailed up and the seats added inn, I dirtied up the main area's floor to show some heavy usage.

The seats in the main bay looked very empty and bland so I decided to do a little extra work and add in seatbelts to them as well using the same method, I then added some extras to add some detail like, wire coils, radio wires.

Then onto painting with black basing - adding the mottling with shades of grey, with reds and browns in the grey and yellow and greens in the green.

One detail I noticed on the helicopters that weren't present in the kit were the ring hooks beneath the helicopter. I wanted to find away to add them, and after a lot of trial and brain wracking I cut a plastic q-tip and found the perfect ring, glued it to a piece of plastic card and had the perfect hooks.

Then finishing off with decals, weathering and finishing touches. What a fun build. I absolutely loved it. You can follow the build log at

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14  Awesome 5 

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20 responses

  1. Great build, Anthony, your extra detailing has really brought this model to life.

  2. Well done, Anthony. Like the in-progress pics.

  3. Truly amazing, Anthony@anthonyricco
    Those Qtip Rings are a great idea and do add a lot to the already perfect build.

  4. @anthinyricco - Beautiful work as always Anthony! I'm impressed with the number of simultaneous builds you must have going all the time.

    • Thanks Brian @brithebuilder - I'm posting my backlog of builds so there are a few - these are from about a year ago - I am currently and usually working on 3 kits, The Alpha Model Ferrari SF90 Stradale, a CH-46 Bullfrog (sea Knight) and a He-219 A7

  5. Inspiring build, Anthony

  6. What a great Huey, Anthony (@anthonyricco). Looks awesome, inside and out. I know the Italeri helos can be a handful, but yours came out great.

  7. Excellent Huey, Anthony! !

  8. Beautiful work! Love your black-basing efforts and the detail work you put into this. Well done!

  9. Superb build. Details are awesome.

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