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Graeme Street
16 articles

"Little Red Demon" -- Panzer III L Tamiya -- Winterketten

June 25, 2024 · in Armor · · 6 · 162

Hey Everyone,

It's been awhile since I posted anything new. I tend to slow down in summer and reboot, however I did a repaint on 's classic L in 1.35 scale in an albeit custom paint and decal display. I really just wanted to do something cool, so you know, I think I did.

The kit is out of the box. Typical Tamiya. Simple and enough detail that you don't have to go nuts, unless you want to. This was a fun model for me, meaning I could do whatever I wanted to it. Damn the history. Anyway, I really wanted to do a winter whitewash over panzer grey, BUT keep the chipping and wear from looking so checkered like many come out, including mine in the past.

So, I did a black base to cover up the old paint job. Then came over with tamiya German Grey. Nothing fancy at all. Then two coats of hairspray. I don't like chipping fluids. Let it dry and came over it with Tamiya flat white in very thin coats with rubbing alcohol as the thinner. I sprayed in sections and chipped instead of painting the whole thing then chipping. This was to have more control and continuity over the chipping. It's so easy to lose control and I have so many times. Truth be told, I've only done a few hairspray chipping effects that I really like, and this is one of them. The other would have to be my JS-2.

However, with this one I wanted the white to be the standout color, not the base color grey. Unlike the JS-2, which the white was the minimalist color and the base green was the standout. I really like doing white painted subjects, BUT I'll admit they are a challenge. White is so...well, white. It looks great if done correctly and it really looks terrible if it's not. Plus it's hard to weather it correctly and I'll get to that in a minute.

You can see the hairspray chipping did something quite interesting and unexpected. You see the "spidering effects" on the rear stowage bin? Also on the gun? yah, I didn't really intend that. I think it had to do with the fact I had painted it years ago, weathered it, let it sit there and collect dust, oils, etc and when I did the repaint, I didn't clean it. I just came over it with the black. Yah, I'm that lazy. Hey, I told you I was doing this for fun, so you know...🤑 I think it interacted with the hairspray and when I shot the coat of white, I got this spidering effect. I tried repainting a little over it and still it persisted, so I took a longer look at it, and said, "you know what? I think it looks fantastic." So, I kept it. I wish I knew exactly how and why so I can use the technique again.

Anyway, that's the story. The weathering was done ONLY with Ammo shaders. I think the grime and dirt. I did not use oils, pigments, tricks, nothing. Just the shaders. i LOVE being able to do weathering with an airbrush when possible. I did the same with the JS-2 by the way. Well, that one had lots of oils and pigments and actual mud on it. BUT, I finished it with the ammo shaders. Love em.

Here's some parting shots. Hope you enjoy it. OH yah, the decals. If you have not figures it out, the Little Red Demon is from the Tamiya STUG III B kit I love so much, remember his little brother, the Little Yellow Demon...

Yah, I loved the decals so much I had to use them again. That kit comes with three colors of the little buggers. I liked the stark contrast of the red and white. Just as I loved the contrast of the Yellow on the Panzer Grey/Blue for the STUG. The Command II is from the Border models Panzer IV J. Another great kit. Yah, my livery is totally made up. Yah, I went there. There was no little demon Panzer III and guess what, I don't care. I just love the little guy!

I like to imagine the Little Red and Little Yellow dudes playing with each other and throwing candy out to the little kids as they rolled on by, but I digress.



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11  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. I think it looks great, but I’m not an armor guy, so my opinion might not be worth a whole lot! I’m glad to know that I’m not the only person that (gasp!) throws history to the wind and puts markings on that just look good to me!

  2. Excellent job, Graeme!

  3. Inspiring build, Graeme.

  4. Superb builds Graeme. Like the non historical markings too. It's the old saying " if it looks right it is right " 😉

  5. A very nice result, Graeme @graemestreet
    The winter scheme is awesome, also the chipping effect, the unintended, spidering.

  6. Nice work Good photos too


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