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Hasegawa 1/48 Kyushu J7W1 SHINDEN

July 16, 2024 · in Aviation · · 20 · 245

's is an old kit released more than 40 years ago, but it was very easy to assemble.

All convex panel lines throughout the kit are re-carved into concave lines, and riveted expressions are added throughout.
I have tried to express the overall realism of the fuselage with the weathering, adding the expression of the dents on the outer fuselage panels, etc.

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21  Awesome 1  1 

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Excellent job, Dagored!

  2. Nice! That’s one of the coolest planes of all time. Great work on the rescribe. Wish I had the patience for that.

  3. Very nice model... Reminds me of a good movie (if you're into that kind of movies) - Godzilla Minus One - where this plane is very important!

  4. Excellent work, Dagored @dagored
    Especially great work done on the rivits and panel lines.

  5. Very nice build Dagored, @dagored. I have always liked this kit and I think you have done a remarkable job with this kit. The extra work you put into the kit with scribing the panel lines, adding rivets and adding the stress pockets to the surface really add a lot to the build. Your paint work only enhances and makes it better. Very well done!

    • I thought it would take a long time to make this old Hasegawa kit, but the contents were unexpectedly excellent, and I was able to proceed smoothly with the construction. I realized that good products do not fade away even if they are old.

  6. Well done! All the effort to update, and the finishing work, really added character to this airplane.

  7. Nicely done, great weathering!

  8. Oh, yes! I love that Shinden model, Dagored @dagored! 🤩 That really does look so realistic; it has always been one of my favorite WWII planes (just barely made that war, even if it never fought!). We don't see many Hasegawa Shindens around here and it's great to see such a fine build! Well done, indeed! 👏

    You might enjoy seeing a jet-powered, "what if" version of this old kit 😊:

    • Hasegawa's Shinden has been commercialized in several other fictional specifications, and I would like to build those kits as well.

  9. Veruy nice work updating this kit and the paintwork and weathering are superb.

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