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Alex Hu
6 articles

1/35 Nakajima B5N (Allied reporting name "Kate") carrier-based torpedo bomber

August 18, 2024 · in Aviation · · 8 · 313

Nakajima (中島 B5N, Allied reporting name "Kate") was the standard carrier-based torpedo bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy () for much of World War II.

Inspired by vintage pictures. The model kit came with , and I focused on replicating the severe paint peeling on the fuselage and wings, which reflects the resource shortages during the final stages of WWII. The pic 6 and pic 7 diorama backgrounds were created using an AI generator.

I have a deep love for aviation and the art of drawing, which is why I've made many aircraft models. About three years ago, I decided to stop arming all of my model planes. In a world as chaotic as ours, I have developed a strong aversion to war, particularly towards the imperialistic regimes that force people to death. I am well aware of the historical context of the SUN symbol, and I approach these works with irony. Please consider them as artistic creations. You are welcome to visit my portfolio page to view my past works.

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7  Awesome 1 

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Wow. Excellent work.

  2. Superb build, Alex @superdad1688
    The weathering is done nicely, giving it a realistic look.

  3. This is an amazing build, Alex @superdad1688. Just like you i love the Kate (though i only have the Airfix versions) and i never add weapons like bombs to my planes.
    Sometimes i look at all my planes and i try to imagine what it was like to kill and die in them.

  4. Beautiful weathering work, Alex. I did not see the manufacturer produced this kit. There stressed skin effects look beautiful.

    I always approach WW2, or any combat aircraft as a learning platform, to teach about the past and to honor the men who sacrificed everything for what they believed in, a lot of good men died and deserve to be remembered in some way. Building models is my small way of doing that, never to celebrate war, but to honor good men from all sides of the conflicts these subjects were part of.

    • Your words gave me goosebumps. After enduring years of wars—both against foreign powers and within our own country—my family suffered deeply, losing loved ones both directly and indirectly. I truly share your pain and understand your feelings.

  5. 1/35: It's a rare scale in airplane models, and the cost is surprisingly affordable. The level of detail and quality of the materials far exceeded my expectations.

  6. A lovely build - the paint and weathering work is excellent.

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