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Steve Oakson
37 articles

Macchi Mc202 Folgore

August 8, 2024 · in Aviation · · 10 · 269

This is my attempt at this new kit. It represents an aircraft that was sent to Russia help protect their infantry countrymen. This bird was a Breda built plane and features different camouflage than Macchi and SAI built airframes. I was also working on a PCM 205 when this kit came out. I'll put a post up on this soon.

I have some mixed feelings about this kit. The instructions are a struggle to figure out how to get some parts to fit in place correctly-especially in the engine and wheel well bay.
The cockpit is very well detailed, and I enjoyed working on this area of the kit.

The panel lines are indeed a little wide in spots. I didn't bother to fill them in. Under paint, they aren't as apparent as on the bare plastic.
I modified the spinner to correct the outline of it. I also did this with the PCM 202 ,but it wasn't as off as the one.

I used the intake for the supercharger from a PCM kit. Just looked better to me.

Brake line and antenna detail were done. The wheel well hoses weren't used. This was done with “lead wire”. Not all wheel well parts were used as was difficult to get some in place. Still turned out ok.

I had to add an armored windscreen panel to the windscreen. This was a series that used this.

Paints used on the kit were AK, Tamiya, MM, Alclad gloss and matte clear. Decals were from the kit, Tauro, and PCM. As said at the beginning, it was stationed in Russia, and represents a 356 squadriglia aircraft in the fall of 1942. The Sagittario badge was used on the port side of the on this particular plane

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20  Awesome 3  2 

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10 responses

  1. A stunning build. The Mc202 is up there with the FW 190 and the Raiden "Jack" for my favorite Axis fighters, and you knock this one out of the park. Well done!

  2. Nice work on this.

  3. She's a beauty of a build, great job!

  4. Nice work, Steve!

  5. Excellent job, Steve!

  6. A beautiful result, Steve @jimmiesteve
    Nice work on all those extras and the camouflage pattern.

  7. Super work Steve! @jimmiesteve
    Nicely Done!

  8. Another nice kit build Steve (@jimmiesteve), The camouflage finishes on the Italian WWII aircraft were nicely varied and offer some unique looking displays for the shelf airforce - Cheers

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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