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Colin Latta
54 articles

BF-109F-4 Hermann Graf, 1/48 Hasegawa

September 9, 2024 · in Aviation · · 9 · 154

This is Hasegawa's 1/48 BF-109F-4 in Hermann 's markings, 9/JG52, May 1942.
Built mostly OOB, with details and harnesses added to cockpit, corrected wheel wells and brake lines.
Kit decals which behaved flawlessly, and Tamiya acrylics, oils and pastels.

Thanks for looking,

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14  Awesome 2 

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9 responses

  1. That's one great looking 109 model. Special.

  2. Outstanding modeling, Colin, especially your fuselage mottling. I'm always amazed at how good the Hasegawa series can look when skilled modelers get them under control. Please note that the two period photos show two different 109s, the color(ized?) photo perhaps not Graf's 109 or maybe a back-up. What I find interesting in both is the contrast between the nose coloring and a/c individual markings, and the fuselage band.

    • Yes, the colorized photo has quite a few differences, the spinner backing plate is NMF, not black-green, and the rudder has no victory marks. I thought it was an interesting photo, none the less.

  3. Nice work on this 109, it looks fantastic!

  4. Looks great, Colin. That’s still a solid kit.

  5. Excellent job and super result, Colin!

  6. Really nice result on this Gustav, Colin @tail-dragon

  7. A beautiful 109! Well done.

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