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Rafi Ben-Shahar
319 articles

Scratching your model: Eduard 1/48 Bf 109G-6 Late

September 17, 2024 · in Aviation · · 11 · 223

A depiction of one of the many 109G-6 variants that served in a training unit. The aircraft had elaborate exhaust covers.

Bf 109G series issues has excellent surface texture that begs for additional attention with respect to weathering. Here, I deliberately removed the (very thin coat of) enamel using a brush with stiff hairs. The purpose of buffing was to expose the underlying plastic, thus adding another dimension in the weathering pattern.

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11 responses

  1. Excellent model, Rafi! Your innovative scratching technique indeed adds another dimension.
    Well done!

  2. Superb result, Rafi @blackmopane
    This weathering technique really adds something extra. Well done.

  3. Didn’t work..looks rather unfinished

  4. Rafi, I like this 109 very much. I do not weigh in on all your builds because I have trouble keeping up. They are always excellent and I still marvel at your rate of completion. This build is interesting in many respects. I like your stiff brush technique, and thank you for describing it. I am curious about the color scheme on this build. Could you tell me what grays you used on the wing / fuselage top sides?

  5. Well done, interesting technique. Looks realistic.

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